Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April Update

Well since I can’t really remember what happened in March I’ll skip right to April. 

We spent 3 nights at the sand dunes while we got a wood floor put in the family room.  No more gross carpet.  We are really enjoying the cleaner look.  It was fun at the dunes.  A little cold, so Hodson and I spent a lot of time in the trailer.  When it rained we played games and the kids would trade off playing games with mom and dad and watching movies on the little tv I bought at DI.  We took our bikes and had fun taking a bike ride.

Once while on the dunes it started to rain.  Think of the sight of Brigham and Daniel as they had rolled in the sand and then they got rained on.  They were muddy and we dropped them off right at the showers.

A lady gave us all these stuffed animals.  I made the girls close their eyes while I dumped them all out.  They went crazy when they saw them and then I told them to choose 5.  If you know my girls you know that was really tough.

Playing in a puddle.

We also enjoyed a trip to UT for a wedding and Easter.  I’m glad we got to see a few of you while we were there. 

We were very busy this past month finishing school projects/posters and helping Brigham make an instrument for music class.  He is excited to graduate from elementary and is ready to start middle school.  There are a lot of fun things planned at school for him this month.

Kyler, Daniel and Brigham all participated in the talent show this year.  Kyler sang the Star Spangled Banner while Daniel (dressed in his scout uniform) brought the flag in.  Brigham and his friend did a poem called My Conscience.  They are did wonderful.  Daniel was very nervous, but did a great job.  Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of him.  He was kind-of behind the piano during the performance.

Today is Kyler’s last day of choir.  She has her concert this Friday.  I am looking forward to it.

Gammon is now POTTY TRAINED!  5 down 1 to go.  It is always a great accomplishment to have that done.

Hodson has been a sick little boy.  One evening he had a hard time breathing and was gasping for air.  A couple days after that he came down with a cold.  His cough got so bad that he couldn’t breathe.  He got a chest x-ray and they are suspecting that he has asthma.  He now has a nebulizer.  He had an allergy test done last week.  He has a small allergy to egg whites, but nothing to be really concerned with.  He is doing well now and thanks to a steroid cream his eczema is getting under control.  No more bright red splotchy face.  He is just beginning to laugh a bit and it is so cute.  Now if we could just get him to sleep better at night every night.

Brigham has gotten old enough to mow the lawn.  He noticed that the neighbor hadn’t mowed her lawn and it was getting pretty long.  He asked her if she wanted him to mow for her.  He has now mowed it twice and is saving lots of money for his mission.

Joseph took a test today on tax law.  It was a lot of info and he was happy to see a passing grade.  No more studying until fall.  YEAH!!!

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Daniel swimming

Katya at Wheeler Farm

Katya at Grandma's

Kyler At Park

Wheeler Farm

Katya At Park

Together at Last

Red Sqare-Moscow

Moscow-New Arbat Street

WWII Eternal Flame-Moscow

Walking in Petrozavodsk

Escalator to subway-Moscow

In Front of the Frozen Moscow River

In Front of Art Museum-Moscow

More Petro

Katya and the Laundry

Mom's little girl

Sitting in the suitcase/toy box

Daniel Vacuuming

Katya swinging in Petro

Park in Petro

Katya loves hats

Daniel on His bike

Jumping for the first time

Sunday Sweetie

First Day Home

First meal all together

Cuddling in Petrozavodsk


In Petrozavodsk apartment


Coloring Easter Eggs