Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life is never boring around our house.  Someone is always celebrating a birthday or there is a holiday, vacation or something exciting.  So here I go trying to recap the last couple of months.

November-Kyler celebrated her 9th birthday and took a friend to the rollerdrome.  Her friend had never skated before and so Kyler taught her.  Kyler loved her new rollerblades we got her.

We had a small Thanksgiving.  Just us and some friends and Joseph's brother, Ivan.  14 people total.  So when your family consists of 8 14 doesn't seem all that big.  Below you will see the picture of the girl table.  These girls are such friends.

December-Oh what a busy time of the year.  This year we did our advent calendar a bit differently.  Instead of each child getting one M&M a day we did an activity a day.  They ranged from making sugar cookies, visiting a live nativity to ice skating. Fun was had by all and the excitement was huge leading up to drawing the paper each day.  The kids really appreciated it and I had a good time spending more time with them.  Included in one of our activities was Kyler's choir concert.  Christmas Eve was peaceful as usual and the on Christmas we hosted Joseph's family for dinner.  I really enjoy having them over for holidays (or anytime for that matter.)  This year Santa did a great job at spoiling the kids.  All the older kids got MP3 players.  Brigham's was a touchscreen that can take video and other fun things.  Gammon and Hodson got a huge car ramp thing.  Don't really know how to describe it.  There were of course many other fun exciting things.

We spent New Years with my family in UT.  We had a fun time enjoying grandma and grandpa's snow.  Gammon went sledding for the first time and loved it.  Hodson slept in the truck the whole time so I could enjoy watching the kids.

January-Can you believe my baby turned 1.  I know.  It is crazy, but yes it has been a year already.  He is growing up so fast.  He is so happy now that he is crawling. He started crawling at 11 months.  He is getting brave and trying to stand on his own, although he hasn't been very successful.

Daniel turned 10 this month.  That is also hard to believe.  He joined the webelos and is very excited about that.  Grandma and Grandpa and Mom and Dad went in on a gift for him.  We got him a huge Erector set.  He LOVES it.  He has built a crane so far.  He is our hands on guy around here.  He will be a great mechanic, handyman, plumber, and construction guy someday.  He loves to figure out how things work.  He is also playing recreation basketball.  It was fun to see him enjoy playing in a game last night.  Brigham is also playing basketball.

Kyler is in apprentice and advanced choir now.  She tried out for advanced and made it.  Her teacher likes the kids to do both choirs for a semester to help out the younger group.  So she spends 2 hours at choir each week.  She loves to sing and is very excited about being in advanced choir.

Well I think that catches us up for now.

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Daniel swimming

Katya at Wheeler Farm

Katya at Grandma's

Kyler At Park

Wheeler Farm

Katya At Park

Together at Last

Red Sqare-Moscow

Moscow-New Arbat Street

WWII Eternal Flame-Moscow

Walking in Petrozavodsk

Escalator to subway-Moscow

In Front of the Frozen Moscow River

In Front of Art Museum-Moscow

More Petro

Katya and the Laundry

Mom's little girl

Sitting in the suitcase/toy box

Daniel Vacuuming

Katya swinging in Petro

Park in Petro

Katya loves hats

Daniel on His bike

Jumping for the first time

Sunday Sweetie

First Day Home

First meal all together

Cuddling in Petrozavodsk


In Petrozavodsk apartment


Coloring Easter Eggs