Friday, January 10, 2014

November Happenings

Katya's team won the tournament and even though she couldn't be there on Sunday she was there in spirit as her team took them to victory.  She had such a great time and it was a great way for her to burn off some of that energy.

Daniel's diving is going really well.  He is learning so much.  Last time he jumped off the board backwards and then dove into the pool.  It was awesome.

Kyler turned 10 and got her very own nail polish with permission from daddy to paint her nails whenever she wants.  (Daddy's rule was only once in a while and with permission)  I guess 10 is the magical age for nail polish at our house.

 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a fun time with a couple of families over.  There was lots of game playing and lots of laughing.  Of course the food was to die for too.  I had great helpers making pies.

The day after Thanksgiving we replaced our usual trip to the mountains for a Christmas tree with a trip to the mountains for a hike.  It just so happened that there was this guy who has property at the base of the mountains who sells Christmas trees.  So we did continue with tradition by getting our Christmas tree even though we didn't cut it down ourselves.  They can't grow the right kind of Christmas tree here so they are shipped in.  Some people do have lots to cut down, but the trees are ugly.  Don't even look like a pine tree.

We found the mountains!!!  And some open space.
 The beginning of the Appalachian trail.

Kyler's choir had their concert which was beautiful.  They also sang on the steps of the Fox Theater before a sing-a-long and a showing of The Christmas Story.  It was a fun evening for the whole family in a historic theater, which was amazing itself.

At the Fox Theater.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Daniel swimming

Katya at Wheeler Farm

Katya at Grandma's

Kyler At Park

Wheeler Farm

Katya At Park

Together at Last

Red Sqare-Moscow

Moscow-New Arbat Street

WWII Eternal Flame-Moscow

Walking in Petrozavodsk

Escalator to subway-Moscow

In Front of the Frozen Moscow River

In Front of Art Museum-Moscow

More Petro

Katya and the Laundry

Mom's little girl

Sitting in the suitcase/toy box

Daniel Vacuuming

Katya swinging in Petro

Park in Petro

Katya loves hats

Daniel on His bike

Jumping for the first time

Sunday Sweetie

First Day Home

First meal all together

Cuddling in Petrozavodsk


In Petrozavodsk apartment


Coloring Easter Eggs