Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Greetings from the South!

October has been one of those months that has been so busy, but I can't remember really what we did.  I will try to recap.

The kids had a day off of school and so we took the opportunity to go camping.  We went to a beautiful State Park where we enjoyed canoeing, swimming, fishing, hiking and watching the sunrise and sunset.  It was awesome out on the lake because you could see so much of the sky away from the trees.  Daniel caught a huge catfish while Joseph and Kyler could only catch tiny little things.  Although they were very colorful fish.  All of the kids enjoys jumping out of the canoe into the water.

Halloween was fun as usual.  I took the boys to a "pumpkin patch" where we took a fun hayride, but the pumpkins ended up being tiny little pumpkins that they through out into the field.  It was still fun.  This years theme was Cowboys and Indians and 1 Nerd who thinks it's dumb to dress in a theme.  I made 3 chaps and 2 indian costumes.  It kept me busy.  Kyler helped to cut the fringe on the bottom of her costume.

Katya has played a lot of softball this month.  She has loved every minute of it and already knows she wants to play in the spring.  She has improved so much.  Her team has gone 11-1 for the season and she will play in a final tournament this weekend.

Brigham tried out and made it into honor band.  He will have the opportunity to participate in more concerts and also go to the elementary schools and play for the 5th graders to try and get them interested in band.  He went trick-or-treating with friends this year and had a blast.

Kyler has been a busy girl.  She goes to choir weekly and she applied and was one of 10 fourth graders to make it on "Reader Rally."  Basically like a spelling bee, but with books.  She will read a bunch of books and come March they will narrow their team of 10 4th graders and 10 fifth graders down to 10 total and they will compete.  She enjoys it.

Daniel is very excited to start diving class again.  He will start that this Saturday.  I was so proud of him this term because he got all B's except 1 C.  He worked really hard.  This term he is trying for all B's or A's.  He was so close last term.

Gammon and Hodson are great little buddies and worst enemies.  They get along well and then they fight with each other.  Hodson is saying a lot of words and it's nice that he can communicate so much.

Joseph was released as EQ secretary and called to be YM 2nd counselor and Scout Master.  The bishop said he will stop calling us in his office now.  Joseph will be taking a test this weekend.  Since he is at a big office now they offer a class that is Friday and Saturday then they take the test of Sunday.  We are hoping it works, because it would be nice to eliminate his months of studying.

Life for me is ever busy just keeping everything afloat.  I am loving the fall weather.  I know I will miss the snow this year, but I LOVE that it is still reaching the 60's everyday.  We are looking forward to thanksgiving.  We have invited a couple of families over and are still extending invites.

Well that's all for now.  Have a great month and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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Daniel swimming

Katya at Wheeler Farm

Katya at Grandma's

Kyler At Park

Wheeler Farm

Katya At Park

Together at Last

Red Sqare-Moscow

Moscow-New Arbat Street

WWII Eternal Flame-Moscow

Walking in Petrozavodsk

Escalator to subway-Moscow

In Front of the Frozen Moscow River

In Front of Art Museum-Moscow

More Petro

Katya and the Laundry

Mom's little girl

Sitting in the suitcase/toy box

Daniel Vacuuming

Katya swinging in Petro

Park in Petro

Katya loves hats

Daniel on His bike

Jumping for the first time

Sunday Sweetie

First Day Home

First meal all together

Cuddling in Petrozavodsk


In Petrozavodsk apartment


Coloring Easter Eggs